Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Recreational Tourism Abounds in Rural Settings

Recreational tourism can include: agritourism, heritage tourism, eco-tourism, nature-based tourism, etc. It's about having fun and learning something at the same time. Most of the opportunities can be found in rural settings.

In Louisiana, we have recreational statutes that provide a level of protection for landowners. One of our newest is the Louisiana Agritourism Limited Liability Law which was passed in 2008. This law lists a number of opportunities for landowners to engage in and receive protection under the law.

Although we list many activities as agritourism, they could also be considered eco-tourism and nature-based tourism.

I found an excellent resource online entitled, "Developing Naturally: An Exploratory Process for Nature-Based Community Tourism."  This manual was written by the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service and provides great insight in how to develop a region for tourism using natural resources.

The LSU AgCenter provides assistance in agritourism related projects.

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